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 Studio Policies

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 Tuition & Fees


 2024-2025 Monthly Tuition Rates

30 minute class (ex: 5:00-5:30pm)
$60 per month (4 weeks)

45 minute class (ex: 5:00-5:45pm)
$62 per month (4 weeks)

1 hour class (ex: 5:00-6:00pm)
$65 per month (4 weeks)

1.5 hour class (ex: 5:00-6:30pm)
$75 per month (4 weeks)


Tuition Details

Tuition is due on the 1st day of each month. Your monthly tuition is calculated based on how many times your dancer’s class is scheduled to meet during the month, so your monthly tuition amount may vary depending on holidays or total number of days in the month. We offer auto-draft billing by default for your convenience.

If your account is over 2 months past due, you will be asked to pay your account in full before having your child return to class.

If you wish to drop a class, notice must be received in writing no less than 14 days prior to tuition draft in order to avoid being charged for the following month.

Multi-student Discount: 5% discount for multiple students in the same household

Private Lessons: $50 per 30 minutes of class time (example: a single one-hour class session will cost $100)

Other Fees

Registration Fee
$40 fee per family due at time of registration

Recital Costume Fee
One-time $75 (plus tax) fee per costume, due November 1st; one costume fee per class**
Note: Costumes fees are non-refundable.

Recital Fee
One-time recital fee (TBD) per family, due April 1st**

Convenience Fees
A 3% convenience fee* will be added to all transactions made using credit cards. In order to avoid these extra convenience fees, you may pay by check before the 1st of each month.

*exact fee amount: 2.9% merchant percentage fee + $0.30 merchant fixed fee per transaction

**applies only to students and classes that participate in the annual recital




Dancewear and shoes are available through Nimbly, our online dancewear storefront. Students are required to have the shoes and tights listed on Nimbly for the annual recital; other retailers and brands are acceptable as long as they closely resemble the ones on Nimbly.

Students 2-18 Years


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There is no required dress code for adults, but we offer the following suggestions:

Wear comfortable clothing, such as workout leggings and a t-shirt or tank top.


  • Ballet: Ballet shoes

  • Tap: Tap Shoes

  • Hip Hop: Tennis shoes with clean soles


 Danceworks’ levels are designed to ensure that each student can find a class that perfectly fits their needs. Students are placed in particular levels based on both age and experience.


Below is a list of what classes we offer for each level. For students ages 8-18 years old, please consult with us on what level will be the best fit for your child before you enroll.*

2-3 years old
Dance With Me

3-4 years old
Creative Movement

4-5 years old
Creative Movement

5-6 years old
Ballet/Tap Combo, Jazz/Bitty Bop Combo

6-7 years old
Ballet/Tap Combo, Jazz/Bitty Bop Combo

Levels A, B, C (8-11 years old)
Ballet/Tap/Jazz Combo, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop

Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 (12-18 years old)
Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Pre-Pointe, Pointe, Musical Theatre

Note: Students in higher levels may take lower level classes for additional technique during the week.

Tap, Ballet, Barre/Flex

*Levels are thoughtfully assigned by our teaching faculty with your dancer’s very best in mind. For students ages 8-18 years old, please consult the studio prior to registering if your dancer has not received a level assignment for the year.




In order to gain full benefit of the class, regular attendance is a must. If a dancer has 6 or more absences from a class, he/she may be ineligible to participate in the end-of-semester performance/recital. This decision will be determined by the Instructor and studio Director. Being prompt to class is also extremely important. If your dancer is late, he/she may miss the warm up that can help prevent injury. If a student is 15 minutes late or more to class, he/she may be asked to sit and observe class or wait until the next class to enter.

Danceworks strives to provide a healthy environment for our students, staff, and families. If your dancer is sick or does not feel well, please keep them home and do not bring them to dance class. This includes symptoms such as fever*, cough, sore throat, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, or any other signs of infection or contagious disease. *A dancer must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication before coming to dance class.

If your child sustains an injury that prevents them from participating in dance class for an extended period of time, please let us know and we will work with you to find a suitable solution.


Dancers must come to class in the appropriate attire and hairstyle specified in the dress code. He/She may be asked to observe class if they are not adhering to the dress code. Teachers cannot correct students if they cannot see their body alignment or feet, or if the student cannot execute a movement due to inappropriate attire. Repeated dress code violations may result in contacting parents. Note: We are no longer offering shoes to temporarily borrow due to hygiene and logistics reasons.

Cell Phones & Other Devices

Students are not allowed to check their cell phones or other devices during class unless he/she has been given permission from the instructor to contact a parent/caregiver. A student's cell phone may be placed in “jail” at the front desk and returned to the student after class if policy not followed. If a student's smart watch becomes an obvious distraction for the student, he/she may be asked to remove their watch for the rest of class.

Food & Drinks

Students may not bring any food or drink into the studio rooms except for water. Chewing gum is not permitted during class.

Bathroom Usage

Students of all ages should use the restroom prior to class time in order to minimize disruptions during class. If your child needs assistance undressing/ dressing, please remain in the lobby during class so that you may assist your child should they need to use the restroom. Our staff is permitted to escort children to the restroom and assist them with washing their hands, but they will not accompany a child in the stall. This is for the protection of both students and staff.


Our classes must be a positive learning environment; therefore, if a student does not follow the rules or is disrespectful to the instructor, we reserve the right to remove him/her from class.